Saturday, March 29, 2025

Đại Hội Về Đất Hứa 5

I’m still lazy as ever but managed to get this up for the VDH5 website.

This is not the final piece, it was just created as a place-holder for the flash animation that’s coming. Stay tuned.


Old drawings

Hi guys, here’s my old TNTT drawings:

This was used to promote, a website I first created in 1997 and lost a long while back. Hmm, I think I had a crush on some TN girl when I drew this.

Here is another one. Very sloppy. Lazy artist!

This pix was in the TNTT Hướng Tâm Lên magazine, a Christmas issue, (of course) from a long, long, long, long time ago…I think…

Was sketching in a meeting.

A scene from Journey of Faith or Hành Trình Đức Tin (Trò Chơi Lớn). Guess what is the sign on the ground?

I drew a TNTT priest playing the guitar at a training camp. He looks so cool.

My favorite scene. It was commissioned for a church’s newsletter. I’m thinking of making a painting of this.

Ahh, I drew this for a team leader (Đội Trưởng) training camp.

I forgot when or where I drew this. It must be for some family bible sharing time…

I didn’t like this one. I think it was a pre-sketch for the church newsletter that didn’t make it to the print shop.

A logo for something, it escaped my mind.

Oh, I drew this for Trưởng Sam, a HT from Tôma Thiện Buffalo, NY in Miền Đông Bắc.

A quick watercolor painting (i know, lazy) of Jesus and two Thiếu Nhi. People still debated on why His pinky stuck out. I said, to focus more on Làm Việc Tông Đồ.

Self explainatory.

Lạy Chúa Giêsu Thánh Thể, con yêu mến Chúa. Xin Chúa ngự vào linh hồn con và ở lại với con luôn mãi.

Logo for Chúa Thánh Thần Hiện Xuống.

Logo for a Hội Nghị Huynh Trưởng

Come with us. This pic was modified and used in the Đại Hội Về Đất Hứa 4 website

Was commissioned for a Thiếu Nhi New Year magazine, I think.

Ah, a picture to express a saying some HT called me: “You’re not boyfriendable.” :(

This depict a couple of HTs I know when they first met :)

My đoàn logo/badge

A music label for Trại Huấn Luyện Huynh Trưởng Cấp III. Noticed how the Ấu Nhi miss spelled Bó Hoa Thiêng?

Self portrait? Lol, not really but show how really lazy of a HT I am.

A quick sketch of my soul.

What was this sketch for? I forgot. Really.

Quick sketch of a couple Thiếu Nhi praying. Sloppy anatomy.

Stayed up late sketching this for the Hướng Tâm Lên. Couldn’t believe it, the editor just printed it as is. Anyway, do you remember having mass out in the open like this?

Đại Hội Nghĩa Sĩ 3 Poster

Looking for artist?

Please contact us for any type of artistic services. We speciallize in all different type of classical and tradition painting (oil, acrylic, and watercolor), graphic design, web design, sculpture and digital imaging. A portion of the earnings will go toward TNTT.

Looking for artist?

Please contact us for any type of artistic services. We speciallize in all different type of classical and tradition painting (oil, acrylic, and watercolor), graphic design, web design, sculpture and digital imaging. A portion of the earnings will go toward TNTT.

Looking for artist?

Please contact us for any type of artistic services. We speciallize in all different type of classical and tradition painting (oil, acrylic, and watercolor), graphic design, web design, sculpture and digital imaging. A portion of the earnings will go toward TNTT.
